French and Indian War

From Warlike


the North American theatre of the worldwide Seven Years' War. 
War of the Conquest

1754 — 1763 Action of 8 June 1755Attack on German FlattsBattle of Bloody CreekBattle of Fort NiagaraBattle of Great CacaponBattle of La Belle-FamilleBattle of Sabbath Day PointBattle of Sideling HillBattle of the TroughBattle on SnowshoesBattle on SnowshoesCape Sable CampaignExpulsion of the AcadiansFort FreyFrench and Indian WarsGulf of St. Lawrence CampaignLunenburg CampaignNortheast Coast CampaignPetitcodiac River CampaignRaid on Lunenburg, Nova ScotiaSeven Years' WarSiege of LouisbourgSixty Years' WarSt. Francis Raidwar
French and indian war map.svg

Location: 47.0, -105.0, KML, Maps

Acadians-Thomas DaviesAcadians-Thomas Davies
Amhesrt surrender mONTREALAmhesrt surrender mONTREAL
At the Battle of the Monongahela in the French and Indian War Major George Washington on a white horse witnesses mortally wounded British General Edward Braddock, July 9, 1755.  Lithograph after a painting by Junius Brutus Stearns.At the Battle of the Monongahela in the French and Indian War Major George Washington on a white horse witnesses mortally wounded British General Edward Braddock, July 9, 1755. Lithograph after a painting by Junius Brutus Stearns.
At the Battle of the Monongahela in the French and Indian War Major George Washington on a white horse witnesses mortally wounded British General Edward Braddock, July 9, 1755.  Painting by Junius Brutus Stearns.At the Battle of the Monongahela in the French and Indian War Major George Washington on a white horse witnesses mortally wounded British General Edward Braddock, July 9, 1755. Painting by Junius Brutus Stearns.
A View of the Plundering and Burning of the City of Grymross, by Thomas Davies, 1758A View of the Plundering and Burning of the City of Grymross, by Thomas Davies, 1758
Battle of Fort FrontenacBattle of Fort Frontenac
Chevalier de Ternay anonyme sans dateChevalier de Ternay anonyme sans date
Conference Between the French and Indian Leaders Around a Ceremonial Fire by VernierConference Between the French and Indian Leaders Around a Ceremonial Fire by Vernier
Distribution of his majesty`s forces in N. America according to the disposition now and to be completed as soon as practicableDistribution of his majesty's forces in N. America according to the disposition now and to be completed as soon as practicable
Dominic Serres (1722-1793) - French Fire-Ships Attacking the English Fleet off Quebec, 28 June 1759 - BHC0392 - Royal Museums GreenwichDominic Serres (1722-1793) - French Fire-Ships Attacking the English Fleet off Quebec, 28 June 1759 - BHC0392 - Royal Museums Greenwich
Flickr - USCapitol - The Declaration of Independence, 1776Flickr - USCapitol - The Declaration of Independence, 1776
Fort Saint ThereseFort Saint Therese
George Romney - General James Stuart (d. 1793)George Romney - General James Stuart (d. 1793)
John BradstreetJohn Bradstreet
John MontresorJohn Montresor
John Winslow - Project Gutenberg etext 20110John Winslow - Project Gutenberg etext 20110
Major-General Braddocks death at the Battle of MonongahelaMajor-General Braddocks death at the Battle of Monongahela
Montcalm leading his troops at the Plains of AbrahamMontcalm leading his troops at the Plains of Abraham
Painting of the Acadian Expulsion order being read by colonel Winslow in the parish church of Grand-Pré, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1755.Painting of the Acadian Expulsion order being read by colonel Winslow in the parish church of Grand-Pré, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1755.
Sir William Johnson at the Battle of Lake GeorgeSir William Johnson at the Battle of Lake George
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkWikimedia People of the French and Indian WarWikidata
conflict1755Action of 8 June 1755naval battleWikidata
conflict1757Attack on German FlattsWikidata
conflict1757Battle of Bloody CreekbattleWikidata
conflict1759Battle of Fort NiagarabattleWikidata
conflict1756Battle of Great CacaponbattleWikidata
conflict1759Battle of La Belle-FamillebattleWikidata
conflict1757Battle of Sabbath Day PointbattleWikidata
conflict1756Battle of Sideling HillbattleWikidata
conflict1756Battle of the TroughbattleWikidata
conflict1758Battle on SnowshoesbattleWikidata
conflict1757Battle on SnowshoesbattleWikidata
conflict1758Cape Sable CampaignWikidata
conflict1764Expulsion of the AcadiansdeportationWikidata
conflictFort FreyfortWikidata
conflict1758Gulf of St. Lawrence CampaignbattleWikidata
conflict1758Lunenburg CampaignconflictWikidata
conflict1756Northeast Coast CampaignconflictWikidata
conflict1758Petitcodiac River CampaignWikidata
conflict1756Raid on Lunenburg, Nova ScotiaWikidata
conflict1758Siege of Louisbourgnaval battle, siegeWikidata
conflict1759St. Francis RaidbattleWikidata
war1609American Indian Warsseries of warsWikidata
war1701War of the Spanish Successionworld war, civil warWikidata
documentCasgrain - Guerre du Canada 1756-1760, Tome I, 1891Wikimedia
documentLuke Gridley's diary of 1757 while in service in the French and Indian war (IA lukegridleysdiar00grid)Wikimedia
imageAcadians-Thomas DaviesWikimedia
imageAmhesrt surrender mONTREALWikimedia
imageAt the Battle of the Monongahela in the French and Indian War Major George Washington on a white horse witnesses mortally wounded British General Edward Braddock, July 9, 1755. Lithograph after a painting by Junius Brutus Stearns.Wikimedia
imageAt the Battle of the Monongahela in the French and Indian War Major George Washington on a white horse witnesses mortally wounded British General Edward Braddock, July 9, 1755. Painting by Junius Brutus Stearns.Wikimedia
imageA View of the Plundering and Burning of the City of Grymross, by Thomas Davies, 1758Wikimedia
imageBattle of Fort FrontenacWikimedia
imageChevalier de Ternay anonyme sans dateWikimedia
imageConference Between the French and Indian Leaders Around a Ceremonial Fire by VernierWikimedia
imageDistribution of his majesty's forces in N. America according to the disposition now and to be completed as soon as practicableWikimedia
imageDominic Serres (1722-1793) - French Fire-Ships Attacking the English Fleet off Quebec, 28 June 1759 - BHC0392 - Royal Museums GreenwichWikimedia
imageFlickr - USCapitol - The Declaration of Independence, 1776Wikimedia
imageFort Saint ThereseWikimedia
imageGeorge Romney - General James Stuart (d. 1793)Wikimedia
imageJohn BradstreetWikimedia
imageJohn MontresorWikimedia
imageJohn Winslow - Project Gutenberg etext 20110Wikimedia
imageMajor-General Braddocks death at the Battle of MonongahelaWikimedia
imageMontcalm leading his troops at the Plains of AbrahamWikimedia
imagePainting of the Acadian Expulsion order being read by colonel Winslow in the parish church of Grand-Pré, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1755.Wikimedia
imageSir William Johnson at the Battle of Lake GeorgeWikimedia
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