New Zealand Wars

From Warlike


1845–1872 armed conflicts in New Zealand. 
Land Wars, Māori Wars

1845 — 1872 warHutt Valley campaignInvasion of the WaikatoEast Cape WarDefence of Pukekohe East 1863First Taranaki WarBattle of RangiririFlagstaff WarBattle of Battle HillSecond Taranaki WarTauranga campaignWairau AffrayWhanganui campaignTe Kooti's WarTītokowaru's WarNew Zealand

Location: -41.2, 174.0, KML, Maps

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A Noble Deed, photograph of a undated lithograph published by Wilson & HortonA Noble Deed, photograph of a undated lithograph published by Wilson & Horton
A boy`s heroism. `Awake! Awake!`, colour photo-mechanical print by Arthur David McCormickA boy's heroism. 'Awake! Awake!', colour photo-mechanical print by Arthur David McCormick
Banknote (AM 1929.347.1-1)Banknote (AM 1929.347.1-1)
Battle of Puketutu by John WilliamsBattle of Puketutu by John Williams
Boulcott`s Stockade in the Hutt Valley N. Z. 1846. Graves of soldiers 58th Reg., watercolour by George Hyde PageBoulcott's Stockade in the Hutt Valley N. Z. 1846. Graves of soldiers 58th Reg., watercolour by George Hyde Page
Cameron`s house, 1863Cameron's house, 1863
Captain Sir W. Onslow and Lieutenant Ward, 12th Regiment, British Army, circa 1868, maker unknown. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011926)Captain Sir W. Onslow and Lieutenant Ward, 12th Regiment, British Army, circa 1868, maker unknown. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011926)
Cap, pillbox (AM 1987.113-2)Cap, pillbox (AM 1987.113-2)
Crop from Group of soldiers from the 68th Durham Light Infantry, Tauranga, 1865, attributed to Hartley Webster, circa 1895, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011916)Crop from Group of soldiers from the 68th Durham Light Infantry, Tauranga, 1865, attributed to Hartley Webster, circa 1895, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011916)
Full length studio portrait of Lieutenant Simon Bagge Triphook, 12th Regiment. Te Papa.Full length studio portrait of Lieutenant Simon Bagge Triphook, 12th Regiment. Te Papa.
General Thomas James Galloway, late 70th Reg, circa 1860, photographer unknown. Te Papa (O.013117)General Thomas James Galloway, late 70th Reg, circa 1860, photographer unknown. Te Papa (O.013117)
Group of Non Coms, & Privates 68th Regt. Taken at Portsmouth - Hickson, Keogh, Bedson, Wade, Murray V.C., 1866, circa 1900, New Plymouth, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011909)Group of Non Coms, & Privates 68th Regt. Taken at Portsmouth - Hickson, Keogh, Bedson, Wade, Murray V.C., 1866, circa 1900, New Plymouth, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011909)
Lieutenant Colonel William Hulme, 96th Regiment of FootLieutenant Colonel William Hulme, 96th Regiment of Foot
Lieutenant Joseph Boulton, 12th Regiment of FootLieutenant Joseph Boulton, 12th Regiment of Foot
Maj. Genl. J. S. Richardson, C.B. Late 12th Regt., circa 1860, maker unknown. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.013481)Maj. Genl. J. S. Richardson, C.B. Late 12th Regt., circa 1860, maker unknown. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.013481)
Map of Lake Waikaremoana and Urewera Country, showing location of major conflicts during Te Kooti`s WarMap of Lake Waikaremoana and Urewera Country, showing location of major conflicts during Te Kooti's War
Portraits from the New Zealand Wars, circa 1895, New Zealand, by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (C.000354)Portraits from the New Zealand Wars, circa 1895, New Zealand, by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (C.000354)
Promissory note (AM 2007.18.3-2)Promissory note (AM 2007.18.3-2)
Sergeant John Murray, cropped from Group of Non Coms, & Privates 68th Regt. Taken at Portsmouth - Hickson, Keogh, Bedson, Wade, Murray V.C., 1866, circa 1900, New Plymouth, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011909)Sergeant John Murray, cropped from Group of Non Coms, & Privates 68th Regt. Taken at Portsmouth - Hickson, Keogh, Bedson, Wade, Murray V.C., 1866, circa 1900, New Plymouth, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011909)
Te Putaki o te Riri, Annual New Zealand Wars Commemoration, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Hon Kelvin Davis, Hon Peeni Henare (48970780832)Te Putaki o te Riri, Annual New Zealand Wars Commemoration, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Hon Kelvin Davis, Hon Peeni Henare (48970780832)
Trousers (AM 1973.14-1)Trousers (AM 1973.14-1)
Tunic (AM 1934.205-7)Tunic (AM 1934.205-7)
Tunic (AM 1934.205-8)Tunic (AM 1934.205-8)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1846Battle of Battle HillbattleWikidata
conflict1863Battle of RangiririconflictWikidata
conflict1863Defence of Pukekohe East 1863conflictWikidata
conflict1865East Cape WarconflictWikidata
conflict1860First Taranaki WarconflictWikidata
conflict1845Flagstaff WarwarWikidata
conflict1846Hutt Valley campaignWikidata
conflict1863Invasion of the WaikatoconflictWikidata
conflict1866Second Taranaki WarconflictWikidata
conflict1864Tauranga campaignconflictWikidata
conflict1868Te Kooti's WarconflictWikidata
conflict1868Tītokowaru's WarconflictWikidata
conflict1843Wairau AffrayconflictWikidata
conflict1847Whanganui campaignconflictWikidata
imageA Noble Deed, photograph of a undated lithograph published by Wilson & HortonWikimedia
image1818A boy's heroism. 'Awake! Awake!', colour photo-mechanical print by Arthur David McCormickWikimedia
imageBanknote (AM 1929.347.1-1)Wikimedia
image1845Battle of Puketutu by John WilliamsWikimedia
image1846Boulcott's Stockade in the Hutt Valley N. Z. 1846. Graves of soldiers 58th Reg., watercolour by George Hyde PageWikimedia
imageCameron's house, 1863Wikimedia
imageCaptain Sir W. Onslow and Lieutenant Ward, 12th Regiment, British Army, circa 1868, maker unknown. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011926)Wikimedia
imageCap, pillbox (AM 1987.113-2)Wikimedia
imageCrop from Group of soldiers from the 68th Durham Light Infantry, Tauranga, 1865, attributed to Hartley Webster, circa 1895, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011916)Wikimedia
imageFull length studio portrait of Lieutenant Simon Bagge Triphook, 12th Regiment. Te Papa.Wikimedia
imageGeneral Thomas James Galloway, late 70th Reg, circa 1860, photographer unknown. Te Papa (O.013117)Wikimedia
imageGroup of Non Coms, & Privates 68th Regt. Taken at Portsmouth - Hickson, Keogh, Bedson, Wade, Murray V.C., 1866, circa 1900, New Plymouth, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011909)Wikimedia
imageLieutenant Colonel William Hulme, 96th Regiment of FootWikimedia
imageLieutenant Joseph Boulton, 12th Regiment of FootWikimedia
imageMaj. Genl. J. S. Richardson, C.B. Late 12th Regt., circa 1860, maker unknown. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.013481)Wikimedia
imageMap of Lake Waikaremoana and Urewera Country, showing location of major conflicts during Te Kooti's WarWikimedia
imagePortraits from the New Zealand Wars, circa 1895, New Zealand, by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (C.000354)Wikimedia
imagePromissory note (AM 2007.18.3-2)Wikimedia
imageSergeant John Murray, cropped from Group of Non Coms, & Privates 68th Regt. Taken at Portsmouth - Hickson, Keogh, Bedson, Wade, Murray V.C., 1866, circa 1900, New Plymouth, copied by William Francis Gordon. Purchased 1916. Te Papa (O.011909)Wikimedia
imageTe Putaki o te Riri, Annual New Zealand Wars Commemoration, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Hon Kelvin Davis, Hon Peeni Henare (48970780832)Wikimedia
imageTrousers (AM 1973.14-1)Wikimedia
imageTunic (AM 1934.205-7)Wikimedia
imageTunic (AM 1934.205-8)Wikimedia
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