Battle of Chapultepec

From Warlike


1847 battle of the Mexican–American War. 

1847 — 1847 Mexican–American WarbattleSpainMexico
Chapultepec.jpg, Storming of Chapultepec.jpg

Location: 19.421, -99.182, KML, Other maps

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Attack on Chapultepec, Sept. 13th 1847-Mexicans routed with great loss - E.B. & E.C. Kellogg, N.Y. & Hartford, Conn. ; D. Needham, Buffalo. LCCN98516127Attack on Chapultepec, Sept. 13th 1847-Mexicans routed with great loss - E.B. & E.C. Kellogg, N.Y. & Hartford, Conn. ; D. Needham, Buffalo. LCCN98516127
Attack on the Castle Chapultepec - Ataque del Castillo de Chapultepec LCCN90708822Attack on the Castle Chapultepec - Ataque del Castillo de Chapultepec LCCN90708822
Batalla de chapultepec - 13 de septiembre de 1847Batalla de chapultepec - 13 de septiembre de 1847
Battles of Mexico. Survey of the line of operations of the U. S. army under the command of major general Winfield Scott on the 3th 12th and 13th Septr 1847 - made under the direction of major W. Turnbull ; ... by... - btv1b53029402bBattles of Mexico. Survey of the line of operations of the U. S. army under the command of major general Winfield Scott on the 3th 12th and 13th Septr 1847 - made under the direction of major W. Turnbull ; ... by... - btv1b53029402b
Battles of Mexico. Survey of the line of operations of the U. S. army, under the command of major general Winfield Scott on the 19th and 20th of august 1847 - made by major Turnbull W. ; captain McClellan G. Brinton... - btv1b530294119Battles of Mexico. Survey of the line of operations of the U. S. army, under the command of major general Winfield Scott on the 19th and 20th of august 1847 - made by major Turnbull W. ; captain McClellan G. Brinton... - btv1b530294119
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Frank Leslie`s Illustrated Newspaper impeachment Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper impeachment "Black Sovereigns Admiring the Painting of the Battle of Chapultepec in the Hall Adjoining the Elate Chamber, Washington, D.C."
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Placa y lugar donde fueron hallados los restos de seis combatientes en Chapultepec 1947 aPlaca y lugar donde fueron hallados los restos de seis combatientes en Chapultepec 1947 a
Plan of the City of Mexico and its Defences, September 13th 1847, upon the Approach of the American Army under Major Genl ScottPlan of the City of Mexico and its Defences, September 13th 1847, upon the Approach of the American Army under Major Genl Scott
Plan of the City of Mexico and its Defences, September 13th 1847, upon the Approach of the American Army under Major Genl ScottPlan of the City of Mexico and its Defences, September 13th 1847, upon the Approach of the American Army under Major Genl Scott
Storming of ChapultepecStorming of Chapultepec
Storming of the Fortress of Chapultepec- at the city of Mexico Sept. 12th 1847 LCCN2001706295Storming of the Fortress of Chapultepec- at the city of Mexico Sept. 12th 1847 LCCN2001706295
TSOM D369 Storming of ChapultepecTSOM D369 Storming of Chapultepec
The storming of Chapu(ltepec) Sept. 13th (1847) LCCN2001701801The storming of Chapu(ltepec) Sept. 13th (1847) LCCN2001701801
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
war2006Mexican drug warwar on drugs, asymmetric warfare, irregular warfare, drug warWikidata
audio1847Attack on Chapultepec, Sept. 13th 1847-Mexicans routed with great loss - E.B. & E.C. Kellogg, N.Y. & Hartford, Conn. ; D. Needham, Buffalo. LCCN98516127Wikimedia
image1847Attack on Chapultepec, Sept. 13th 1847-Mexicans routed with great loss - E.B. & E.C. Kellogg, N.Y. & Hartford, Conn. ; D. Needham, Buffalo. LCCN98516127Wikimedia
image1848Attack on the Castle Chapultepec - Ataque del Castillo de Chapultepec LCCN90708822Wikimedia
image1848Batalla de chapultepec - 13 de septiembre de 1847Wikimedia
imageBattles of Mexico. Survey of the line of operations of the U. S. army under the command of major general Winfield Scott on the 3th 12th and 13th Septr 1847 - made under the direction of major W. Turnbull ; ... by... - btv1b53029402bWikimedia
imageBattles of Mexico. Survey of the line of operations of the U. S. army, under the command of major general Winfield Scott on the 19th and 20th of august 1847 - made by major Turnbull W. ; captain McClellan G. Brinton... - btv1b530294119Wikimedia
image1851Battle of ChapultepecWikimedia
imageBattle of Chapultepec mapWikimedia
image1848Chapultepec CurrierWikimedia
image1900Decisive battles since Waterloo - the most important military events from 1815 to 1887 (1900) (14781498265)Wikimedia
image1868"Black%20Sovereigns%20Admiring%20the%20Painting%20of%20the%20Battle%20of%20Chapultepec%20in%20the%20Hall%20Adjoining%20the%20Elate%20Chamber,%20Washington,%20D.C.".png Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper impeachment "Black Sovereigns Admiring the Painting of the Battle of Chapultepec in the Hall Adjoining the Elate Chamber, Washington, D.C."Wikimedia
image1897Gen. Robert Edward Lee; soldier, citizen, and Christian patriot (1897) (14803876813)Wikimedia
imageJuan de la BarreraWikimedia
imageMexico City BattlesWikimedia
imageMilitary College of Chapultepec2Wikimedia
imagePlaca y lugar donde fueron hallados los restos de seis combatientes en Chapultepec 1947 aWikimedia
imagePlan of the City of Mexico and its Defences, September 13th 1847, upon the Approach of the American Army under Major Genl ScottWikimedia
imagePlan of the City of Mexico and its Defences, September 13th 1847, upon the Approach of the American Army under Major Genl ScottWikimedia
imageStorming of ChapultepecWikimedia
image1847Storming of the Fortress of Chapultepec- at the city of Mexico Sept. 12th 1847 LCCN2001706295Wikimedia
image1889TSOM D369 Storming of ChapultepecWikimedia
image1848The storming of Chapu(ltepec) Sept. 13th (1847) LCCN2001701801Wikimedia
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