Battle of Sailor's Creek

From Warlike


1865 battle of the American Civil War. 
Battle of Sayler's Creek

1865 United States
SC - Confederate Overlook (5224666640).jpg

Location: 37.30551, -78.22797, KML, Other maps

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April 6. Custer ready for his 3rd charge at Sailors Creek 1865 LCCN2004660781April 6. Custer ready for his 3rd charge at Sailors Creek 1865 LCCN2004660781
Emisire ShahanEmisire Shahan
Francis M. Cunningham, U.S. Medal of Honor Winner, c. 1907Francis M. Cunningham, U.S. Medal of Honor Winner, c. 1907
MoH winner William Houlton 1905MoH winner William Houlton 1905
Sailors (sic) Creek 2nd Corps LCCN2004660976Sailors (sic) Creek 2nd Corps LCCN2004660976
The capture of Ewell`s CorpsThe capture of Ewell's Corps
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image1865April 6. Custer ready for his 3rd charge at Sailors Creek 1865 LCCN2004660781Wikimedia
imageEmisire ShahanWikimedia
image1907Francis M. Cunningham, U.S. Medal of Honor Winner, c. 1907Wikimedia
image1905MoH winner William Houlton 1905Wikimedia
image1865Sailors (sic) Creek 2nd Corps LCCN2004660976Wikimedia
image1887The capture of Ewell's CorpsWikimedia
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