Armoured frigate SMS GROSSER KURFÜRST. Location and date of recording unknown.
Attack of the Federal Iron-Clads on Fort Sumter and the Rebel Batteries commanding the entrance to Charleston Harbor, on the 7th of April, 1863 - NYIN 1863
Bailey's Dam on the Red River
Civil War Ships Neptune, Vesta and Alliance, by Alfred Rudolph Waud
Commodore Foote’s Gunboat Flotilla on the Mississippi - Harper's Weekly, 1862
H.M.S. Inflexible
Ironclads HMS Warrior and HMS Prince, painting by Charles Edward Dixon
Mississippi squadron
Monitors, Charlestown Navy Yard, by Kilburn Brothers
NIE 1905 Ship, Armored - Ericsson's iron-clad cupola vessel
Ottoman ironclad Iclaliye
The Great Mississippi Expedition—Commodore Foote’s Iron-Clad Gun Boats at Cairo, Awaiting Orders for Departure - NYIN 1862
The Great Naval Battle Opposite the City of Memphis, June 6, 1862 - Alexander Simplot
The siege of Charleston. Shelling the workmen engaged in building the Rebel Ram
USS Essex (1861-1865) around 1862
USS Roanoke 1855 Ironclad
Uss Puritan 1864
Рисунок к статье «Броненосный флот» № 1. Военная энциклопедия Сытина (Санкт-Петербург, 1911-1915)
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