ironclad warship

From Warlike


steam-propelled warship protected by iron or steel armour plates

Armoured frigate SMS GROSSER KURFÜRST. Location and date of recording unknown.Armoured frigate SMS GROSSER KURFÜRST. Location and date of recording unknown.
Attack of the Federal Iron-Clads on Fort Sumter and the Rebel Batteries commanding the entrance to Charleston Harbor, on the 7th of April, 1863 - NYIN 1863Attack of the Federal Iron-Clads on Fort Sumter and the Rebel Batteries commanding the entrance to Charleston Harbor, on the 7th of April, 1863 - NYIN 1863
Bailey`s Dam on the Red RiverBailey's Dam on the Red River
Civil War Ships Neptune, Vesta and Alliance, by Alfred Rudolph WaudCivil War Ships Neptune, Vesta and Alliance, by Alfred Rudolph Waud
Commodore Foote’s Gunboat Flotilla on the Mississippi - Harper`s Weekly, 1862Commodore Foote’s Gunboat Flotilla on the Mississippi - Harper's Weekly, 1862
H.M.S. InflexibleH.M.S. Inflexible
Ironclads HMS Warrior and HMS Prince, painting by Charles Edward DixonIronclads HMS Warrior and HMS Prince, painting by Charles Edward Dixon
Mississippi squadronMississippi squadron
Monitors, Charlestown Navy Yard, by Kilburn BrothersMonitors, Charlestown Navy Yard, by Kilburn Brothers
NIE 1905 Ship, Armored - Ericsson`s iron-clad cupola vesselNIE 1905 Ship, Armored - Ericsson's iron-clad cupola vessel
Ottoman ironclad IclaliyeOttoman ironclad Iclaliye
The Great Mississippi Expedition—Commodore Foote’s Iron-Clad Gun Boats at Cairo, Awaiting Orders for Departure - NYIN 1862The Great Mississippi Expedition—Commodore Foote’s Iron-Clad Gun Boats at Cairo, Awaiting Orders for Departure - NYIN 1862
The Great Naval Battle Opposite the City of Memphis, June 6, 1862 - Alexander SimplotThe Great Naval Battle Opposite the City of Memphis, June 6, 1862 - Alexander Simplot
The siege of Charleston. Shelling the workmen engaged in building the Rebel RamThe siege of Charleston. Shelling the workmen engaged in building the Rebel Ram
USS Essex (1861-1865) around 1862USS Essex (1861-1865) around 1862
USS Roanoke 1855 IroncladUSS Roanoke 1855 Ironclad
Uss Puritan 1864Uss Puritan 1864
Рисунок к статье «Броненосный флот» № 1. Военная энциклопедия Сытина (Санкт-Петербург, 1911-1915)Рисунок к статье «Броненосный флот» № 1. Военная энциклопедия Сытина (Санкт-Петербург, 1911-1915)
Чифу. Русский Эскад.броненосец Император Николай I 26апр1895г 08Чифу. Русский Эскад.броненосец Император Николай I 26апр1895г 08
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia@Wikidata
imageArmoured frigate SMS GROSSER KURFÜRST. Location and date of recording unknown.Wikimedia
imageAttack of the Federal Iron-Clads on Fort Sumter and the Rebel Batteries commanding the entrance to Charleston Harbor, on the 7th of April, 1863 - NYIN 1863Wikimedia
imageBailey's Dam on the Red RiverWikimedia
imageCivil War Ships Neptune, Vesta and Alliance, by Alfred Rudolph WaudWikimedia
imageCommodore Foote’s Gunboat Flotilla on the Mississippi - Harper's Weekly, 1862Wikimedia
imageH.M.S. InflexibleWikimedia
imageIronclads HMS Warrior and HMS Prince, painting by Charles Edward DixonWikimedia
imageMississippi squadronWikimedia
imageMonitors, Charlestown Navy Yard, by Kilburn BrothersWikimedia
imageNIE 1905 Ship, Armored - Ericsson's iron-clad cupola vesselWikimedia
imageOttoman ironclad IclaliyeWikimedia
imageThe Great Mississippi Expedition—Commodore Foote’s Iron-Clad Gun Boats at Cairo, Awaiting Orders for Departure - NYIN 1862Wikimedia
imageThe Great Naval Battle Opposite the City of Memphis, June 6, 1862 - Alexander SimplotWikimedia
imageThe siege of Charleston. Shelling the workmen engaged in building the Rebel RamWikimedia
imageUSS Essex (1861-1865) around 1862Wikimedia
imageUSS Roanoke 1855 IroncladWikimedia
imageUss Puritan 1864Wikimedia
imageРисунок к статье «Броненосный флот» № 1. Военная энциклопедия Сытина (Санкт-Петербург, 1911-1915)Wikimedia
imageЧифу. Русский Эскад.броненосец Император Николай I 26апр1895г 08Wikimedia