BIO Hesperides

From Warlike


Spanish polar research vessel. 

1991 Cartagena Naval BaseicebreakerNavantiaresearch vesselSpainSpanish Navymass: 1983 tonne, mass: 2750 tonne, length: 82.5 metre, beam: 14.3 metre, draft: 4.42 metre, 
2019-03-10 01 ESPS BIO HESPIRIDES A33 - IMO 8803563.jpg

Antarctica 2013 Journey to the Crystal Desert (8370596546)Antarctica 2013 Journey to the Crystal Desert (8370596546)
Hesperides (A-33)Hesperides (A-33)
Spanish oceanographic research ship BIO Hesperides docked in Ushuaia, Argentina in 2024Spanish oceanographic research ship BIO Hesperides docked in Ushuaia, Argentina in 2024
Spanish oceanographic research ship, ESPS BIO HESPIRIDES A33, at in Deception Island, Antarctica.Spanish oceanographic research ship, ESPS BIO HESPIRIDES A33, at in Deception Island, Antarctica.
The Spanish Navy oceanographic vessel BIO HespéridesThe Spanish Navy oceanographic vessel BIO Hespérides
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