Battle of Ölper

From Warlike


1809 battle during the War of the Fifth Coalition. 

1809 battleGermanyWar of the Fifth Coalition
Braunschweig Brunswick Oelper 1809.jpg

Location: 52.286111, 10.496667, KML, Maps

Affaire aupres d Ölper 1809Affaire aupres d Ölper 1809
Bivouac vor braunschweig 1809Bivouac vor braunschweig 1809
Braunschweig Brunswick Oelper 1809Braunschweig Brunswick Oelper 1809
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image1809Affaire aupres d Ölper 1809Wikimedia
imageBivouac vor braunschweig 1809Wikimedia
imageBraunschweig Brunswick Oelper 1809Wikimedia
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