nuclear weapon

From Warlike


explosive device that gets its destructive force from nuclear reactions


explosive devicenuclear technologyweapon functional class


Nuclear weapons by country

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Nuclear weapons in Germany

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Nuclear weapons of North Korea

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Nuclear weapons of Russia

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Nuclear weapons of the United Kingdom

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Nuclear weapons of the United States

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Nuclear weapons politics

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ASDS on USS Georgia (SSGN 729)ASDS on USS Georgia (SSGN 729)
ASV-3 ASSET Lifting BodyASV-3 ASSET Lifting Body
Annie event of Operation Upshot-Knothole, 1953.Annie event of Operation Upshot-Knothole, 1953.
Atomic cloud over Hiroshima - NARA 542192 - EditAtomic cloud over Hiroshima - NARA 542192 - Edit
A sketch about bombing.A sketch about bombing.
First page of MAUD committee report.First page of MAUD committee report.
Launch of Shenzhou 13, ChinaLaunch of Shenzhou 13, China
Little BoyLittle Boy
Test6 3Test6 3
The Baker explosionThe Baker explosion
The Fat Man nuclear bomb was an example of a strategic nuclear weapon.The Fat Man nuclear bomb was an example of a strategic nuclear weapon.
The number of nuclear warheads by country in 2024, based on an estimation by the [[Federation of American Scientsts]].The number of nuclear warheads by country in 2024, based on an estimation by the Federation of American Scientsts.
W89 and W91 nuclear warheadsW89 and W91 nuclear warheads
Worldmap List of countries with nuclear weaponsWorldmap List of countries with nuclear weapons
nuclear weaponsnuclear weapons
تجربة نووية في كاسل روميو (قوة 11 ميجا طن) في جزيرة أتول بيكيني كانت أول تجربة نووية تُجرى على مركب كان المركب موجودًا في فوهة كاسل برافو.تجربة نووية في كاسل روميو (قوة 11 ميجا طن) في جزيرة أتول بيكيني كانت أول تجربة نووية تُجرى على مركب كان المركب موجودًا في فوهة كاسل برافو.
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkWikimedia Nuclear weapons by countryWikidata
linkWikimedia Nuclear weapons in GermanyWikidata
linkWikimedia Nuclear weapons of North KoreaWikidata
linkWikimedia Nuclear weapons of RussiaWikidata
linkWikimedia Nuclear weapons of the United KingdomWikidata
linkWikimedia Nuclear weapons of the United StatesWikidata
linkWikimedia Nuclear weapons politicsWikidata
linkApplied Optics Multipass reconfiguration of the HELEN Nd:glass laser at the Atomic Weapons Establishment@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists Atomic Weapons and American Policy@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists North Korean nuclear capabilities, 2018@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists United States nuclear forces, 2018@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists Chinese nuclear forces, 2018@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists Pakistani nuclear forces, 2018@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists Russian nuclear forces, 2019@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists The British nuclear stockpile, 1953–2013@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the Atomic Scientists Israeli nuclear weapons, 2014@Wikidata
linkGlobal Governance The Middle East at a Crossroads: How to Face the Perils of Nuclear Development in a Volatile Region@Wikidata
linkHealth Physics A brief history of people and events related to atomic weapons testing in the Marshall Islands@Wikidata
linkHistorical Records of Australian Science A Political Inconvenience: Australian Scientists at the British Atomic Weapons Tests, 1952-53@Wikidata
linkJournal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Beryllium Exposure Control Program at the Cardiff Atomic Weapons Establishment in the United Kingdom@Wikidata
linkJournal of Strategic Studies To avert impending disaster: American military plans to use atomic weapons during the Korean War@Wikidata
linkNature Effects of Atomic Weapons@Wikidata
linkNature Atomic Weapons@Wikidata
linkNature Information on Atomic Weapons@Wikidata
linkNature Two Nuclear Reactors at the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment@Wikidata
linkNature Atomic Weapons Research Establishment: Dr. Nyman Levin@Wikidata
linkNature Nuclear weapons physics: Welcome to the Atomic Weapons Establishment@Wikidata
linkPhysics in Perspective A Physicist in the Corridors of Power: P. M. S. Blackett's Opposition to Atomic Weapons Following the War@Wikidata
linkScience of the Total Environment Solid-solution partitioning of plutonium in surface waters at the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston (UK).@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Mortality of employees of the Atomic Weapons Establishment, 1951-82.@Wikidata
linkUdenrigs Atomvåben fortsat en reel trussel@Wikidata
linkWar & Society Atomic Weapons and the Problem of Australian Security, 1946–1957@Wikidata
linkPax Leksikon@Wikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1@Wikidata
aircraftDouglas A-3 Skywarrior1956twinjet bomber, aircraft family, carrier-capable airplane, bomber, United States NavyWikidata
aircraftNorth American AJ Savage1948aircraft model, carrier-capable attack aircraft, bomberWikidata
aircraftNorth American AJ-2 Savageaircraft model, North American AJ Savage, carrier-capable airplane, bomber, United States NavyWikidata
weaponAN-11 bomb1964weapon model, aerial bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponAN-221967weapon model, French Air Force, aerial bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponAN-521972weapon model, unguided bomb, French Air Force, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponB43weapon model, unguided bomb, aerial bomb, Royal Air Force, nuclear weapon, United States Air Force, United States Marine Corps, United States NavyWikidata
weaponB531962weapon model, unguided bomb, aerial bomb, nuclear weapon, United States Air ForceWikidata
weaponB61 Familyweapon model, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponB90weapon model, unguided bomb, aerial bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponJL-3nuclear weapon, weapon model, People's Liberation Army Navy, submarine-launched ballistic missile, intercontinental ballistic missileWikidata
weaponMark 4 nuclear bomb1949weapon model, aerial bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponMark 5 nuclear bombweapon model, aerial bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponMark 7 nuclear bombweapon model, aerial bomb, Royal Air Force, nuclear weapon, United States Armed ForcesWikidata
weaponMark 45 torpedo1958weapon model, torpedo, nuclear weapon, United States NavyWikidata
weaponRDS-11949weapon model, aerial bomb, Soviet Union, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponTN 60weapon model, aerial bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponViolet Clubweapon model, aerial bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponW30weapon model, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponW39weapon model, aerial bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weapongun-type fission weaponweapon functional class, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponimprovised nuclear deviceweapon functional class, hypothetical entity, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponmeson bombweapon functional class, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponneutron bombweapon functional class, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponnuclear artillery shellweapon functional class, shell, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponnuclear bombweapon functional class, bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponnuclear bombweapon functional class, bomb, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponnuclear missileweapon functional class, missile, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponsalted bombweapon functional class, radiological weapon, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponstrategic nuclear weaponweapon functional class, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponsuitcase nukeweapon functional class, tactical nuclear weapon, nuclear weaponWikidata
weapontactical nuclear weaponweapon functional class, nuclear weaponWikidata
weaponthermonuclear weaponweapon functional class, nuclear explosive, nuclear weaponWikidata
audioCastle Bravo detonation, 1954Wikimedia
imageASDS on USS Georgia (SSGN 729)Wikimedia
imageASV-3 ASSET Lifting BodyWikimedia
imageAnnie event of Operation Upshot-Knothole, 1953.1953Wikimedia
imageAtomic cloud over Hiroshima - NARA 542192 - Edit1945Wikimedia
imageA sketch about bombing.Wikimedia
imageFirst page of MAUD committee report.Wikimedia
imageLaunch of Shenzhou 13, China2021Wikimedia
imageLittle BoyWikimedia
imageTest6 3Wikimedia
imageThe Baker explosion1946Wikimedia
imageThe Fat Man nuclear bomb was an example of a strategic nuclear weapon.Wikimedia
imageThe number of nuclear warheads by country in 2024, based on an estimation by the Federation of American Scientsts.Wikimedia
imageW89 and W91 nuclear warheadsWikimedia
imageWorldmap List of countries with nuclear weaponsWikimedia
imagenuclear weaponsWikimedia
imageتجربة نووية في كاسل روميو (قوة 11 ميجا طن) في جزيرة أتول بيكيني كانت أول تجربة نووية تُجرى على مركب كان المركب موجودًا في فوهة كاسل برافو.1954Wikimedia