Macedonian Front

From Warlike


part of the Balkans Theatre of WWI. 
Salonica front, Salonika front

1915 — 1918 Balkans TheatreBattle of DoiranBattle of DoiranBattle of KajmakchalanBattle of LerinBattle of MonastirBattle of the Cerna BendBattle of the Crna BendfrontMonastir OffensiveStruma operationVardar Offensive
Panoramic view of the entrenched Allied encampment at Salonika.jpg

Location: 41.32925475, 22.508621075, KML, Maps

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16 Wing Photographic Section (rfc-raf) in Salonika 1917-1919 HU9745616 Wing Photographic Section (rfc-raf) in Salonika 1917-1919 HU97456
Apidje; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159913Apidje; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159913
Armee francaise-1916-service photo-a40Armee francaise-1916-service photo-a40
Armee francaise-1916-service photo-a43Armee francaise-1916-service photo-a43
A Camp, Macedonia Art.IWMART3883A Camp, Macedonia Art.IWMART3883
Beles from Sal Grec de Popovo Art.IWMART879Beles from Sal Grec de Popovo Art.IWMART879
Bombardment of Bulgar Trenches - Doiran, Balkans. Pip Ridge, and Grande and Petite Couronnes. Art.IWMART1864Bombardment of Bulgar Trenches - Doiran, Balkans. Pip Ridge, and Grande and Petite Couronnes. Art.IWMART1864
Brought Down in Flames Art.IWMART878Brought Down in Flames Art.IWMART878
Crashed! - de Havilland 2 single-seater scout shooting down a Fokker monoplane, Salonika Art.IWMART796Crashed! - de Havilland 2 single-seater scout shooting down a Fokker monoplane, Salonika Art.IWMART796
Drinking Water, Mirova, Macedonia Art.IWMART3882Drinking Water, Mirova, Macedonia Art.IWMART3882
Extended caption- The enemy`s country opposite a portion of the line held by the British Salonica Army (March, 1916- September 1918) Art.IWMART2244Extended caption- The enemy's country opposite a portion of the line held by the British Salonica Army (March, 1916- September 1918) Art.IWMART2244
Hand-drawn bird`s eye view of the Gulf of Thessaloniki in World War IHand-drawn bird's eye view of the Gulf of Thessaloniki in World War I
House in Apidje; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159911House in Apidje; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159911
Macedonian campaing - Bulgarian camel riders (1916)Macedonian campaing - Bulgarian camel riders (1916)
Makedonski front, borbena linijaMakedonski front, borbena linija
Osman Kimilla; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159912Osman Kimilla; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159912
Rupel Pass from Gumusdere Art.IWMART880Rupel Pass from Gumusdere Art.IWMART880
Salonica- After the Fire Art.IWMART1492Salonica- After the Fire Art.IWMART1492
Salonica- Ruins and Desolation Art.IWMART1495Salonica- Ruins and Desolation Art.IWMART1495
Salonica- the Great Fire - the famous White Tower in the foreground Art.IWMART1489Salonica- the Great Fire - the famous White Tower in the foreground Art.IWMART1489
Salonica. the Fire- the Last Phase Art.IWMART877Salonica. the Fire- the Last Phase Art.IWMART877
Serb Camp, Mikra Bay; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART1599123Serb Camp, Mikra Bay; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART1599123
St David`s Well, Snevice, Macedonia Art.IWMART3884St David's Well, Snevice, Macedonia Art.IWMART3884
The British Army in the Macedonian Campaign, 1915-1918 Q23389The British Army in the Macedonian Campaign, 1915-1918 Q23389
`c` (howitzer) Battery of Cxvii (howitzer) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, in the Salonika Campaign 1915-1918 HU93825'c' (howitzer) Battery of Cxvii (howitzer) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, in the Salonika Campaign 1915-1918 HU93825
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1916Battle of DoiranbattleWikidata
conflict1917Battle of DoiranbattleWikidata
conflict1916Battle of KajmakchalanbattleWikidata
conflict1916Battle of LerinbattleWikidata
conflict1917Battle of MonastirbattleWikidata
conflict1917Battle of the Cerna BendbattleWikidata
conflict1916Battle of the Crna BendbattleWikidata
conflict1916Monastir OffensivebattleWikidata
conflict1916Struma operationbattleWikidata
conflict1918Vardar OffensiveoffensiveWikidata
war1449Albanian–Ottoman Warsseries of warsWikidata
image16 Wing Photographic Section (rfc-raf) in Salonika 1917-1919 HU97456Wikimedia
imageApidje; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159913Wikimedia
imageArmee francaise-1916-service photo-a40Wikimedia
imageArmee francaise-1916-service photo-a43Wikimedia
imageA Camp, Macedonia Art.IWMART3883Wikimedia
imageBeles from Sal Grec de Popovo Art.IWMART879Wikimedia
imageBombardment of Bulgar Trenches - Doiran, Balkans. Pip Ridge, and Grande and Petite Couronnes. Art.IWMART1864Wikimedia
imageBrought Down in Flames Art.IWMART878Wikimedia
imageCrashed! - de Havilland 2 single-seater scout shooting down a Fokker monoplane, Salonika Art.IWMART796Wikimedia
imageDrinking Water, Mirova, Macedonia Art.IWMART3882Wikimedia
imageExtended caption- The enemy's country opposite a portion of the line held by the British Salonica Army (March, 1916- September 1918) Art.IWMART2244Wikimedia
imageHand-drawn bird's eye view of the Gulf of Thessaloniki in World War IWikimedia
imageHouse in Apidje; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159911Wikimedia
imageMacedonian campaing - Bulgarian camel riders (1916)Wikimedia
imageMakedonski front, borbena linijaWikimedia
imageOsman Kimilla; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART159912Wikimedia
imageRupel Pass from Gumusdere Art.IWMART880Wikimedia
imageSalonica- After the Fire Art.IWMART1492Wikimedia
imageSalonica- Ruins and Desolation Art.IWMART1495Wikimedia
imageSalonica- the Great Fire - the famous White Tower in the foreground Art.IWMART1489Wikimedia
imageSalonica. the Fire- the Last Phase Art.IWMART877Wikimedia
imageSerb Camp, Mikra Bay; Thirty-six Drawings of Salonika and Macedonia Art.IWMART1599123Wikimedia
imageSt David's Well, Snevice, Macedonia Art.IWMART3884Wikimedia
imageThe British Army in the Macedonian Campaign, 1915-1918 Q23389Wikimedia
image'c' (howitzer) Battery of Cxvii (howitzer) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, in the Salonika Campaign 1915-1918 HU93825Wikimedia
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