Spanish–American War

From Warlike


1898 conflict between Spain and the United States. 
Spanish American War, Spanish-American War, War of 1898 (Spanish-American War)

1898 — 1898 Action of 13 June 1898Action of 25 April 1898Battle of CienfuegosBattle of CárdenasBattle of El CaneyBattle of Guantánamo BayBattle of Las GuasimasBattle of ManilaBattle of Manila BayBattle of Nipe BayBattle of Santiago de CubaBattle of TayacobaBattle of the AguadoresBombardment of San JuanCapture of GuamColombiaCosta RicaCubaCuban War of IndependenceDominicaDominican RepublicFirst Battle of ManzanilloFranceGrenadaGuatemalaHondurasJamaicaMexicoNicaraguaPhilippine RevolutionPuerto Rico campaignQ1183Q242Q790Q804Saint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSecond Battle of ManzanilloSecond Battle of San JuanThird Battle of ManzanilloThird Battle of San JuanUnited KingdomVenezuelawar
See also Chincha Islands War (1864)
Maine explosion.jpg

Location: 15.0, -75.0, KML, Maps

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3rd Illinois Infantry awaiting orders to embark3rd Illinois Infantry awaiting orders to embark
Admiral Dewey`s Great Victory at ManilaAdmiral Dewey's Great Victory at Manila
American Camp at Mayaguez.American Camp at Mayaguez.
A Mid-section of the Calle Mendez-Vigo, Mayaguez.A Mid-section of the Calle Mendez-Vigo, Mayaguez.
A Street in San German.A Street in San German.
CHAP. 189.-An Act Declaring that war exists between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain.CHAP. 189.-An Act Declaring that war exists between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain.
Cuban War Photograph by William SchmedtgenCuban War Photograph by William Schmedtgen
Liberators of CubaLiberators of Cuba
Lower End of the Calle de Mendez-Vigo, Mayaguez.Lower End of the Calle de Mendez-Vigo, Mayaguez.
Map of Porto Rico in Map of Porto Rico in "The '98 Campaign of the 6th Massachusetts, U.S.V. ... With 79 illustrations, etc (With an introduction by Curtis Guild.)"
Marines, ready to join Dewey, Mare Island, CaliforniaMarines, ready to join Dewey, Mare Island, California
Nuevo Mundo, Avante España, April 20th 1898, cover by Mariano PedreroNuevo Mundo, Avante España, April 20th 1898, cover by Mariano Pedrero
On the Road to Lares.   The Best Outfit in our Wagon Train.On the Road to Lares. The Best Outfit in our Wagon Train.
Our New Colonial Magazine (masthead), 1899Our New Colonial Magazine (masthead), 1899
Part of the Village of Maricao.Part of the Village of Maricao.
Plaza Mercado, Mayaguez.Plaza Mercado, Mayaguez.
Plaza Principal, Mayaguez. A Public Celebration of the New Flag`s Advent, under the Auspices of the Local School-teachers and their Pupils.Plaza Principal, Mayaguez. A Public Celebration of the New Flag's Advent, under the Auspices of the Local School-teachers and their Pupils.
Preparing to embark for Cuba at Tampa, FloridaPreparing to embark for Cuba at Tampa, Florida
The The "Weary Travellers' Spring," near Añasco. A Crude Sugar Mill near Las Marias.
U.S. Armored Cruiser New York, leaving Havana, CubaU.S. Armored Cruiser New York, leaving Havana, Cuba
Watering the Artillery Horses at Yauco.   A Native Bull-team.Watering the Artillery Horses at Yauco. A Native Bull-team.
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkWikimedia Battles of the Spanish-American WarWikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 4@Wikidata
conflict1898Action of 13 June 1898conflictWikidata
conflict1898Action of 25 April 1898conflictWikidata
conflict1898Battle of CienfuegosbattleWikidata
conflict1898Battle of CárdenasconflictWikidata
conflict1898Battle of El CaneybattleWikidata
conflict1898Battle of Guantánamo BaybattleWikidata
conflict1898Battle of Las GuasimasbattleWikidata
conflict1898Battle of Manila BaybattleWikidata
conflict1898Battle of ManilabattleWikidata
conflict1898Battle of Nipe Baynaval battleWikidata
conflict1898Battle of TayacobabattleWikidata
conflict1898Battle of the AguadoresbattleWikidata
conflict1898Bombardment of San JuanbombardmentWikidata
conflict1898Capture of GuambattleWikidata
conflict1898First Battle of ManzanillobattleWikidata
conflict1898Puerto Rico campaigntheater of warWikidata
conflict1898Second Battle of ManzanilloconflictWikidata
conflict1898Second Battle of San Juannaval battleWikidata
conflict1898Third Battle of ManzanilloconflictWikidata
conflict1898Third Battle of San JuanconflictWikidata
war1809Troude's expedition to the CaribbeanNapoleonic Wars, military expedition, naval battleWikidata
documentBooks from the Library of Congress (IA worcesterinspani02roea)Wikimedia
documentRoster of members, the New York commandery of the Naval and military order of the Spanish-American war, to date of July 1, 1908 (IA rosterofmembersn01nava)Wikimedia
document"The%20President's%20war."%20(IA%20thepresidentswar00keim).pdf The President's war. (IA thepresidentswar00keim)Wikimedia
image3rd Illinois Infantry awaiting orders to embarkWikimedia
imageAdmiral Dewey's Great Victory at ManilaWikimedia
imageAmerican Camp at Mayaguez.Wikimedia
imageA Mid-section of the Calle Mendez-Vigo, Mayaguez.Wikimedia
imageA Street in San German.Wikimedia
imageA very Popular Spot. Two Knights and a Pawn.Wikimedia
imageCHAP. 189.-An Act Declaring that war exists between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain.Wikimedia
imageCuban War Photograph by William SchmedtgenWikimedia
imageLiberators of CubaWikimedia
imageLower End of the Calle de Mendez-Vigo, Mayaguez.Wikimedia
imageMap of Porto Rico in "The '98 Campaign of the 6th Massachusetts, U.S.V. ... With 79 illustrations, etc (With an introduction by Curtis Guild.)"Wikimedia
imageMarines, ready to join Dewey, Mare Island, CaliforniaWikimedia
imageNuevo Mundo, Avante España, April 20th 1898, cover by Mariano PedreroWikimedia
imageOn the Road to Lares. The Best Outfit in our Wagon Train.Wikimedia
imageOur New Colonial Magazine (masthead), 1899Wikimedia
imagePart of the Village of Maricao.Wikimedia
imagePlaza Mercado, Mayaguez.Wikimedia
imagePlaza Principal, Mayaguez. A Public Celebration of the New Flag's Advent, under the Auspices of the Local School-teachers and their Pupils.Wikimedia
imagePreparing to embark for Cuba at Tampa, FloridaWikimedia
imageThe "Weary Travellers' Spring," near Añasco. A Crude Sugar Mill near Las Marias.Wikimedia
imageU.S. Armored Cruiser New York, leaving Havana, CubaWikimedia
imageWatering the Artillery Horses at Yauco. A Native Bull-team.Wikimedia
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