Siege of Alessandria (1657)

From Warlike


19 July - 18 August 1657. 

1657 — 1657 Franco-Spanish WarItalyQ113253410siege
See also Siege of Alexandria (1167)Siege of Alexandria (0641)Siege of Alexandria (1801)Siege of Alessandria (1175) (1174)Siege of Alexandria (1174)Siege of Alexandria (-004)
Assedio Alessandria 1657.jpg
Location: 44.913333333, 8.62, KML, Other maps

Alessandria assediata LCCN2016645776Alessandria assediata LCCN2016645776
Assedio Alessandria 1657Assedio Alessandria 1657
Chiesa del Crocefisso (Bergoglio)Chiesa del Crocefisso (Bergoglio)
image1657Alessandria assediata LCCN2016645776Wikimedia
imageAssedio Alessandria 1657Wikimedia
image2024Chiesa del Crocefisso (Bergoglio)Wikimedia
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