War in Abkhazia

From Warlike


war in Abkhazia from 1992 to 1993. 

1992 — 1993 Abkhazia conflictBattle of GagraBattle of GumistaBattle of OchamchireBattle of SukhumiBattle of TamishiEthnic cleansing of Georgians in SukhumiKamani massacreOperation Golden FleeceQ230Q31354462Siege of Tkvarcheliwar
See also 1998 War in Abkhazia (1998)
1992 Georgia war.svg, Abkhazia map-fr.svg

Location: 43.15, 41.0, KML, Maps

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1992 Events montage 16-grid version1992 Events montage 16-grid version
2024-07-14 Plaque to Jeneri Jijieshvili2024-07-14 Plaque to Jeneri Jijieshvili
2024-11-28 Plaque to Teimuraz and Zurab Zaldastanishvili2024-11-28 Plaque to Teimuraz and Zurab Zaldastanishvili
Exhibition at the 2005 commemoration of the ethnic cleansing in Abkhazia, held on its 12th anniversary in Tbilisi.Exhibition at the 2005 commemoration of the ethnic cleansing in Abkhazia, held on its 12th anniversary in Tbilisi.
MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 01MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 01
MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 02MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 02
MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 03MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 03
MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 04MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 04
Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People`s Self-Defence fighters in GeorgiaUkrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defence fighters in Georgia
War in Abkhazia 1992.PNGWar in Abkhazia 1992.PNG
They fought for Motherland memorial in Public School 156They fought for Motherland memorial in Public School 156
Абхазия 1993Абхазия 1993
Автандил ЗефиковичАвтандил Зефикович
საცხოვრებელი სახლი. ბროსეს ქუჩა 11
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1992Battle of GagrabattleWikidata
conflict1993Battle of GumistabattleWikidata
conflict1992Battle of OchamchirebattleWikidata
conflict1992Battle of SukhumibattleWikidata
conflict1993Battle of TamishibattleWikidata
conflict1993Ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Sukhumibattle, ethnic cleansingWikidata
conflict1993Kamani massacremassacreWikidata
conflict1993Operation Golden Fleecemilitary operation, evacuationWikidata
conflict1992Siege of TkvarchelisiegeWikidata
image20241992 Events montage 16-grid versionWikimedia
image20242024-07-14 Plaque to Jeneri JijieshviliWikimedia
image2024-11-28 Plaque to Teimuraz and Zurab ZaldastanishviliWikimedia
image2008Exhibition at the 2005 commemoration of the ethnic cleansing in Abkhazia, held on its 12th anniversary in Tbilisi.Wikimedia
imageMCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 01Wikimedia
imageMCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 02Wikimedia
imageMCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 03Wikimedia
image1993MCHS on Abkhazian Indepedence War 04Wikimedia
image1997Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defence fighters in GeorgiaWikimedia
image2016War in Abkhazia 1992.PNGWikimedia
image2024"The%20fought%20for%20Motherland"%20memorial%20in%20Public%20School%20156.jpg They fought for Motherland memorial in Public School 156Wikimedia
image1993Абхазия 1993Wikimedia
image2012Автандил ЗефиковичWikimedia
image2023საცხოვრებელი სახლი. ბროსეს ქუჩა 11Wikimedia
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