Erivan Fortress

From Warlike


16th century fortress, Yerevan, Armenia


1582 fortressArmenia

Siege of Erivan Fortress on 1 October 1827.jpg

Location: 40.173056, 44.502778, ///, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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527 of `Кавказская война въ отдѣльныхъ очеркахъ, эпизодахъ, легендахъ и біографіяхъ ... Изданіе второе. том. 1. вып. 2, 3. том. 2-4` (11189529594)527 of 'Кавказская война въ отдѣльныхъ очеркахъ, эпизодахъ, легендахъ и біографіяхъ ... Изданіе второе. том. 1. вып. 2, 3. том. 2-4' (11189529594)
Capture of Erivan Fortress by Russia, 1827 (by Franz Roubaud)Capture of Erivan Fortress by Russia, 1827 (by Franz Roubaud)
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Firman of Fath `Ali Shah Qajar to General Gardane (Erivan fortress, military operations against the Russians, expectations of an end to hostilities and the capture of Gudovich)Firman of Fath 'Ali Shah Qajar to General Gardane (Erivan fortress, military operations against the Russians, expectations of an end to hostilities and the capture of Gudovich)
Firman of Fath `Ali Shah Qajar to General Gardane (Erivan fortress, military operations against the Russians, expectations of an end to hostilities and the capture of Gudovich)Firman of Fath 'Ali Shah Qajar to General Gardane (Erivan fortress, military operations against the Russians, expectations of an end to hostilities and the capture of Gudovich)
Siege of Erivan Fortress on 1 October 1827Siege of Erivan Fortress on 1 October 1827
The plan of the Yerevan Fortress, 1827The plan of the Yerevan Fortress, 1827
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Музей истории Еревана 2023.05 3Музей истории Еревана 2023.05 3
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linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image527 of 'Кавказская война въ отдѣльныхъ очеркахъ, эпизодахъ, легендахъ и біографіяхъ ... Изданіе второе. том. 1. вып. 2, 3. том. 2-4' (11189529594)2013Wikimedia
imageCapture of Erivan Fortress by Russia, 1827 (by Franz Roubaud)1893Wikimedia
imageDie Gartenlaube (1856) b 205Wikimedia
imageErivan fort1830Wikimedia
imageFirman of Fath 'Ali Shah Qajar to General Gardane (Erivan fortress, military operations against the Russians, expectations of an end to hostilities and the capture of Gudovich)2021Wikimedia
imageFirman of Fath 'Ali Shah Qajar to General Gardane (Erivan fortress, military operations against the Russians, expectations of an end to hostilities and the capture of Gudovich)2021Wikimedia
imageSiege of Erivan Fortress on 1 October 1827Wikimedia
imageThe plan of the Yerevan Fortress, 18271827Wikimedia
imageV. Pottonun çəkdiyi İrəvan qalasının planı1887Wikimedia
imageYerevan fortress modelWikimedia
imageВзятие штурмом крепости ЭриваньWikimedia
imageКрасовский перед Северными воротами Эриванской крепостиWikimedia
imageМузей истории Еревана 2023.05 22023Wikimedia
imageМузей истории Еревана 2023.05 32023Wikimedia
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