Battle of Vauchamps

From Warlike


1814 battle during the War of the Sixth Coalition. 

1814 battleFranceGerman Campaign of 1813
Battle of Vauchamps by Reville.jpg

Location: 48.8811, 3.6164, KML, Other maps

Alisons Atlas Battles Champaubert and VauchampsAlisons Atlas Battles Champaubert and Vauchamps
Battle of Vauchamps by RevilleBattle of Vauchamps by Reville
Memorial Column 1814 - Vauchamps, Marne, FranceMemorial Column 1814 - Vauchamps, Marne, France
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image1863Alisons Atlas Battles Champaubert and VauchampsWikimedia
imageBattle of Vauchamps by RevilleWikimedia
image2006Memorial Column 1814 - Vauchamps, Marne, FranceWikimedia
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