Creek War

From Warlike


1813 regional war between opposing Creek factions, European empires, and the United States. 
Creek Civil War, Red Stick War

1813 — 1814 United States
Jackson and Weatherford.jpg

Location: 33.9, -89.5, KML, Maps

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1814 map of Mississippi Territory with forts and Creek towns1814 map of Mississippi Territory with forts and Creek towns
American map of the world of the Upper Creeks circa 1806, showing Turkey Town, Tuckabatchee, and Tallassee KingAmerican map of the world of the Upper Creeks circa 1806, showing Turkey Town, Tuckabatchee, and Tallassee King
American officer rallying troops during the Battle of Enoctachopo.American officer rallying troops during the Battle of Enoctachopo.
An account of some of the bloody deeds of General Andrew JacksonAn account of some of the bloody deeds of General Andrew Jackson
Coffin broadside printed to discredit presidential candidate, Andrew Jackson, who had approved the execution of mutinous militiaman, David Morrow, in 1815, July 24, 1828Coffin broadside printed to discredit presidential candidate, Andrew Jackson, who had approved the execution of mutinous militiaman, David Morrow, in 1815, July 24, 1828
Cornell U copy - Jackson`s operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814Cornell U copy - Jackson's operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814
Cornell U copy - Jackson`s operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814Cornell U copy - Jackson's operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814
Cornell U copy - Jackson`s operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814Cornell U copy - Jackson's operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814
Creek War battles in upper Alabama 1813–14Creek War battles in upper Alabama 1813–14
Creek war 1813-14Creek war 1813-14
Ft. Mims signFt. Mims sign
General Andrew Jackson quelling a mutiny of Tennessee soldiersGeneral Andrew Jackson quelling a mutiny of Tennessee soldiers
Holy Ground Battlefield Park White Hall, AlabamaHoly Ground Battlefield Park White Hall, Alabama
Map of Treaty of Ft. Jackson (1814)Map of Treaty of Ft. Jackson (1814)
Massacre at Fort Mimms, 1813Massacre at Fort Mimms, 1813
Part of the Melish map of 1814, covering the seat of war between the Creek Indians and the Americans in 1813-14Part of the Melish map of 1814, covering the seat of war between the Creek Indians and the Americans in 1813-14
Sumatra FL Fort Gadsden marker01aSumatra FL Fort Gadsden marker01a
Thrilling adventures among the Indians- comprising the most remarkable personal narratives of events in the early Indian Wars, as well as of incidents in the recent Indian hostilities in Mexico and (14579187199)Thrilling adventures among the Indians- comprising the most remarkable personal narratives of events in the early Indian Wars, as well as of incidents in the recent Indian hostilities in Mexico and (14579187199)
Thrilling adventures among the Indians- comprising the most remarkable personal narratives of events in the early Indian wars, as well as of incidents in the recent Indian hostilities in Mexico and (14802584903)Thrilling adventures among the Indians- comprising the most remarkable personal narratives of events in the early Indian wars, as well as of incidents in the recent Indian hostilities in Mexico and (14802584903)
Thrilling adventures by land and sea. Being remarkable historical facts, gathered from authentic sources (1852) (14777098251)Thrilling adventures by land and sea. Being remarkable historical facts, gathered from authentic sources (1852) (14777098251)
Thrilling adventures by land and sea. Being remarkable historical facts, gathered from authentic sources (1852) (14777098251) (cropped)Thrilling adventures by land and sea. Being remarkable historical facts, gathered from authentic sources (1852) (14777098251) (cropped)
Uniforms, Horseshoe Bend NMPUniforms, Horseshoe Bend NMP
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkThe life and adventures of Colonel David Crockett of Tennessee@Wikidata
conflict1814Battles of Emuckfaw and Enotachopo Creekbattle, Creek WarWikidata
conflict1813Battle of AutosseeWar of 1812, battle, Creek WarWikidata
conflict1813Battle of Burnt Cornbattle, Creek WarWikidata
conflict1814Battle of Calebee Creekbattle, War of 1812, Creek WarWikidata
conflict1814Battle of Horseshoe Bendbattle, Creek WarWikidata
image20211814 map of Mississippi Territory with forts and Creek townsWikimedia
image1806American map of the world of the Upper Creeks circa 1806, showing Turkey Town, Tuckabatchee, and Tallassee KingWikimedia
image1848American officer rallying troops during the Battle of Enoctachopo.Wikimedia
image1828An account of some of the bloody deeds of General Andrew JacksonWikimedia
image1828Coffin broadside printed to discredit presidential candidate, Andrew Jackson, who had approved the execution of mutinous militiaman, David Morrow, in 1815, July 24, 1828Wikimedia
image1911Cornell U copy - Jackson's operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814Wikimedia
image1911Cornell U copy - Jackson's operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814Wikimedia
image1911Cornell U copy - Jackson's operations in the Creek country and around Mobile Alabama 1813–1814Wikimedia
image1911Creek War battles in upper Alabama 1813–14Wikimedia
imageCreek war 1813-14Wikimedia
imageFt. Mims signWikimedia
image1813General Andrew Jackson quelling a mutiny of Tennessee soldiersWikimedia
image2012Holy Ground Battlefield Park White Hall, AlabamaWikimedia
image2024Map of Treaty of Ft. Jackson (1814)Wikimedia
image1912Massacre at Fort Mimms, 1813Wikimedia
image1922Part of the Melish map of 1814, covering the seat of war between the Creek Indians and the Americans in 1813-14Wikimedia
image2011Sumatra FL Fort Gadsden marker01aWikimedia
image1854Thrilling adventures among the Indians- comprising the most remarkable personal narratives of events in the early Indian Wars, as well as of incidents in the recent Indian hostilities in Mexico and (14579187199)Wikimedia
image1850Thrilling adventures among the Indians- comprising the most remarkable personal narratives of events in the early Indian wars, as well as of incidents in the recent Indian hostilities in Mexico and (14802584903)Wikimedia
image1852Thrilling adventures by land and sea. Being remarkable historical facts, gathered from authentic sources (1852) (14777098251)Wikimedia
image1852Thrilling adventures by land and sea. Being remarkable historical facts, gathered from authentic sources (1852) (14777098251) (cropped)Wikimedia
image2017Uniforms, Horseshoe Bend NMPWikimedia
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