De Zeven Provinciën-class frigate

From Warlike


2002 class of Dutch frigates. 

DECCA NAV navigation radar & Thales Nederland Scout surface search・navigation radar equipped with DECCA NAV navigation radar & Thales Nederland Scout surface search・navigation radar equipped with "F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp"
F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp arrives at Dejima Quay, Port of Nagasaki, JapanF803 Zr.Ms. Tromp arrives at Dejima Quay, Port of Nagasaki, Japan
F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp arrives at Dejima Quay, Port of Nagasaki, JapanF803 Zr.Ms. Tromp arrives at Dejima Quay, Port of Nagasaki, Japan
F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp in Nagasaki JapanF803 Zr.Ms. Tromp in Nagasaki Japan
F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp in Nagasaki Japan 02F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp in Nagasaki Japan 02
F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp  in the Magic HourF803 Zr.Ms. Tromp in the Magic Hour
Harpoon anti-ship missile mounted on F803 Zr. Ms. TrompHarpoon anti-ship missile mounted on F803 Zr. Ms. Tromp
Thales Nederland APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar equipped with Thales Nederland APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar equipped with "F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp".
Thales Nederland Mirador optical surveillance and tracking system equipped with Thales Nederland Mirador optical surveillance and tracking system equipped with "F803 Zr.Ms. Tromp"
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