Sudanese civil war

From Warlike


ongoing military conflict in Sudan since 2023. 
2023 SAF-RSF confrontation, 2023 Sudan clashes, 2023 Sudanese Armed Forces-Rapid Support Forces confrontation, 2023 Sudanese clashes, 2023 Sudanese Coup d'etat Attempt, 2023 Sudanese coup d'état attempt

2023 2019 Sudanese transition to democracy2023 Khartoum destruction of aircraft2023 Sudanese refugee crisisattempted assassination of Abdel Fattah al-Burhanattempted coup d'étatBattle of DillingBattle of KadugliBattle of KhartoumBattle of Merowe AirportBattle of Omdurman (2023 onwards)Battle of Wad Madanicivil warconflictcrisis at the National Public Health LaboratoryDarfur campaigndeportation of Eritreans during the war in SudanDestruction of cultural heritage during the Sudanese civil warevacuation of foreign nationals during the Sudanese civil warhumanitarian impact of the war in Sudan (2023)Operation KaveriOperation Raus aus KhartumOperation SagittaireSennar offensiveSeptember 2023 Khartoum airstrikeSiege of BabanusaSiege of El ObeidSudantimeline of the 2023 Sudan conflictTreaty of Jeddah (2023)War crimes during the Sudanese civil war
Screengrab of refugee camp from Number of Refugees Who Fled Sudan for Chad Double in Week.jpgECDM 20230710 Sudan Conflict.pdf, ECDM 20230505 DM Sudan Conflict.pdf
Location: 15.60308, 32.52654, KML, Maps

2023 Events Collage V 2.02023 Events Collage V 2.0
2023 Events Collage early version 12023 Events Collage early version 1
2023 Events montage 16-grid version2023 Events montage 16-grid version
Chadian soldiersChadian soldiers
Destroyed vehicles in southern Khartoum, Sudan, on April 19, 2023, amid fighting between Sudan`s regular army and paramilitaries following the collapse of a 24-hour truce.Destroyed vehicles in southern Khartoum, Sudan, on April 19, 2023, amid fighting between Sudan's regular army and paramilitaries following the collapse of a 24-hour truce.
Flygtningelejr i Chad ifm. krigen i SudanFlygtningelejr i Chad ifm. krigen i Sudan
Khartoum FireKhartoum Fire
Sudanese refugee camp in Chad, 16 May 2023Sudanese refugee camp in Chad, 16 May 2023
The Marine Security Guard Detachment assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, conduct a flag-folding ceremony at the embassy, April 22, 2023.The Marine Security Guard Detachment assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, conduct a flag-folding ceremony at the embassy, April 22, 2023.
White flag memorial at Cornell University for lives lost in the conflicts in Sudan, Congo, and PalestineWhite flag memorial at Cornell University for lives lost in the conflicts in Sudan, Congo, and Palestine
conflict20232023 Khartoum destruction of aircraftaviation accident or incidentWikidata
conflict20232023 Sudanese refugee crisisrefugee crisisWikidata
conflict2023Battle of DillingbattleWikidata
conflict2023Battle of Kaduglisiege, battleWikidata
conflict2023Battle of KhartoumbattleWikidata
conflict2023Battle of Merowe AirportbattleWikidata
conflict2023Battle of Omdurman (2023 onwards)battleWikidata
conflict2023Battle of Wad MadanibattleWikidata
conflict2023Darfur campaignmilitary campaignWikidata
conflictDestruction of cultural heritage during the Sudanese civil warart destructionWikidata
conflict2023Operation Kaverimilitary operation, evacuationWikidata
conflict2023Operation Raus aus Khartummilitary operation, evacuationWikidata
conflict2023Operation Sagittairemilitary operationWikidata
conflict2024Sennar offensiveoffensiveWikidata
conflict2023September 2023 Khartoum airstrikeairstrikeWikidata
conflict2024Siege of BabanusasiegeWikidata
conflict2023Siege of El ObeidsiegeWikidata
conflict2023Treaty of Jeddah (2023)peace treatyWikidata
conflictWar crimes during the Sudanese civil warwar crimeWikidata
conflict2024attempted assassination of Abdel Fattah al-Burhanassassination attempt, drone attackWikidata
conflict2023crisis at the National Public Health LaboratorycrisisWikidata
conflict2023deportation of Eritreans during the war in SudandeportationWikidata
conflict2023evacuation of foreign nationals during the Sudanese civil warevacuationWikidata
conflict2023humanitarian impact of the war in Sudan (2023)humanitarian crisisWikidata
conflicttimeline of the 2023 Sudan conflictevents in a specific year or time periodWikidata
war1983Second Sudanese Civil Warcivil warWikidata
image20232023 Events Collage V 2.0Wikimedia
image20232023 Events Collage early version 1Wikimedia
image20242023 Events montage 16-grid versionWikimedia
imageChadian soldiersWikimedia
image2023Destroyed vehicles in southern Khartoum, Sudan, on April 19, 2023, amid fighting between Sudan's regular army and paramilitaries following the collapse of a 24-hour truce.Wikimedia
imageFlygtningelejr i Chad ifm. krigen i SudanWikimedia
image2023Khartoum FireWikimedia
image2023Sudanese refugee camp in Chad, 16 May 2023Wikimedia
imageThe Marine Security Guard Detachment assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, conduct a flag-folding ceremony at the embassy, April 22, 2023.Wikimedia
image2023White flag memorial at Cornell University for lives lost in the conflicts in Sudan, Congo, and PalestineWikimedia
video2023Number of Refugees Who Fled Sudan for Chad Double in Week.webmWikimedia
videoThe former governor of Central Darfur says his country needs urgent intervention (Oct 2024).webmWikimedia
video2023United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken remarks on the 2023 Sudan Conflict, the 7th Day Cease Fire, and calls for a civilian government.Wikimedia
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