From Warlike


Iranian frigate. 

Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (01)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (01)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (05)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (05)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (08)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (08)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (39)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (39)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (52)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (52)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (53)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (53)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (55)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (55)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (56)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (56)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (58)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (58)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (59)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (59)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (60)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (60)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (61)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (61)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (62)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (62)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (64)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (64)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (66)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (66)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (69)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (69)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (70)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (70)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (73)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (73)
Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (77)Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (77)
Marine Security Belt 2022 (45)Marine Security Belt 2022 (45)
Marine Security Belt 2022 (46)Marine Security Belt 2022 (46)
Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (23)Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (23)
Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (24)Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (24)
Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (27)Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (27)
Official welcome ceremony of the 86th naval group (138)Official welcome ceremony of the 86th naval group (138)
incident2015ship launchingWikidata
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (01)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (05)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (08)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (39)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (52)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (53)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (55)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (56)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (58)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (59)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (60)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (61)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (62)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (64)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (66)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (69)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (70)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (73)Wikimedia
image2023Iranian naval personnel reunite with their family after the first voyage around the world (77)Wikimedia
image2022Marine Security Belt 2022 (45)Wikimedia
image2022Marine Security Belt 2022 (46)Wikimedia
image2021Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (23)Wikimedia
image2021Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (24)Wikimedia
image2021Naval review of Zolfaghar 1400 (27)Wikimedia
imageOfficial welcome ceremony of the 86th naval group (138)Wikimedia
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