Battle of Ravenna

From Warlike


1512 battle. 

1512 War of the League of CambraibattleItaly
Battle of Ravenna (1512).JPG, IB157reisige0001.JPG, The Death of Gaston de Foix in the Battle of Ravenna.jpg

Location: 44.41666667, 12.2, KML, Other maps

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1512 Ravenne1512 Ravenne
Ary Scheffer - Death of Gaston de Foix in the Battle of Ravenna on 11 April 1512 - WGA20977Ary Scheffer - Death of Gaston de Foix in the Battle of Ravenna on 11 April 1512 - WGA20977
Battle of Ravenna (1512)Battle of Ravenna (1512)
De slag bij Ravenna (Bataille de Ravenne) 11-4-1512, objectnr TA 18410De slag bij Ravenna (Bataille de Ravenne) 11-4-1512, objectnr TA 18410
Master NA.DAT with the Mousetrap, The Two Armies at the Battle of Ravenna, probably c. 1512-1513, NGA 8739Master NA.DAT with the Mousetrap, The Two Armies at the Battle of Ravenna, probably c. 1512-1513, NGA 8739
The Death of Gaston de Foix in the Battle of RavennaThe Death of Gaston de Foix in the Battle of Ravenna
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