Pevensey Castle keep

From Warlike


ruined building in Sussex


1150 keepPevensey CastleUnited Kingdom

Pevensey Castle keep.jpg
Location: 50.8192, 0.3347, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, NLSOSeDoB

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A pill-box built on top of Pevensey Castle`s keep in 1940. A Ministry of Works sign underneath reads `Gun emplacement 1939-1945`.A pill-box built on top of Pevensey Castle's keep in 1940. A Ministry of Works sign underneath reads 'Gun emplacement 1939-1945'.
Pevensey Castle keepPevensey Castle keep
Pevensey Castle machine gun postPevensey Castle machine gun post
Pevensey Castle (2087)Pevensey Castle (2087)
Pevensey Castle (2115)Pevensey Castle (2115)
Pevensey Castle (2116)Pevensey Castle (2116)
Pevensey Castle (2124)Pevensey Castle (2124)
Pevensey Castle (2135)Pevensey Castle (2135)
Pevensey Castle (2137)Pevensey Castle (2137)
Pevensey Castle (2138)Pevensey Castle (2138)
Pevensey Castle (2139)Pevensey Castle (2139)
Pevensey Castle (2141)Pevensey Castle (2141)
Pevensey Castle (2142)Pevensey Castle (2142)
Pevensey Castle (2144)Pevensey Castle (2144)
Pevensey Castle (2151)Pevensey Castle (2151)
Pevensey Castle (2163)Pevensey Castle (2163)
Pevensey Castle (2165)Pevensey Castle (2165)
Pevensey Castle, Norman keepPevensey Castle, Norman keep
WWII gun emplacement at Pevensey CastleWWII gun emplacement at Pevensey Castle
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imageA pill-box built on top of Pevensey Castle's keep in 1940. A Ministry of Works sign underneath reads 'Gun emplacement 1939-1945'.2006Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle keep2014Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle machine gun post2014Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2087)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2115)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2116)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2124)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2135)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2137)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2138)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2139)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2141)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2142)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2144)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2151)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2163)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle (2165)2012Wikimedia
imagePevensey Castle, Norman keep2011Wikimedia
imageWWII gun emplacement at Pevensey Castle2009Wikimedia