Battle of the Camel

From Warlike


656 battle of the First Fitna. 

656 battleFirst FitnaIraq
Ali and Aisha at the Battle of the Camel.jpg

Location: 30.5, 47.8167, KML, Maps

Ali and Aisha at the Battle of the CamelAli and Aisha at the Battle of the Camel
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Painting depicting the Battle of Camel that took place near Basra in 656 when the army of Mohammed`s widow Aisha marched against the troops of the competitor Ali, ancestor of the Shiites. Manuscript illustration, ca.1808Painting depicting the Battle of Camel that took place near Basra in 656 when the army of Mohammed's widow Aisha marched against the troops of the competitor Ali, ancestor of the Shiites. Manuscript illustration, ca.1808
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