PAF Base Nur Khan

From Warlike


previously PAF Base Chaklala, Pakistan Air Force base that is part of Benazir Bhutto International Airport


airbaseBenazir Bhutto International AirportPakistanPakistan Air Force

Location: 33.616389, 73.099167, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Chaklala Air Force Base DVIDS324277Chaklala Air Force Base DVIDS324277
Chaklala Air Force Base DVIDS324310Chaklala Air Force Base DVIDS324310
Flood Relief Pakistan DVIDS314172Flood Relief Pakistan DVIDS314172
Flood Relief Pakistan DVIDS315462Flood Relief Pakistan DVIDS315462
Humanitarian Relief, Pakistan DVIDS173744Humanitarian Relief, Pakistan DVIDS173744
Marines, Pakistanis Cooperate in Flood Relief Efforts DVIDS320801Marines, Pakistanis Cooperate in Flood Relief Efforts DVIDS320801
No. 6 Squadron PAF 1950s group photoNo. 6 Squadron PAF 1950s group photo
Pakistani Maj. Gen. Raja Muhammad Arif Nazir, center, commander of the Army Aviation Command, heads an Air Coordination Cell (ACC) meeting with U.S., Pakistani and international organizations aimed at flood 100828-F-KV470-078Pakistani Maj. Gen. Raja Muhammad Arif Nazir, center, commander of the Army Aviation Command, heads an Air Coordination Cell (ACC) meeting with U.S., Pakistani and international organizations aimed at flood 100828-F-KV470-078
Pakistani army Col. Khalil Dar, left, and a representative of the World Food Program discuss rotary wing support in designated locations in support of flood relief efforts during an initial Air Coordination Cell 100828-F-KV470-074Pakistani army Col. Khalil Dar, left, and a representative of the World Food Program discuss rotary wing support in designated locations in support of flood relief efforts during an initial Air Coordination Cell 100828-F-KV470-074
Pakistan Airdrops DVIDS312182Pakistan Airdrops DVIDS312182
Pakistan Airdrops DVIDS312184Pakistan Airdrops DVIDS312184
Pakistan Airdrops DVIDS312186Pakistan Airdrops DVIDS312186
Pakistan Relief DVIDS312997Pakistan Relief DVIDS312997
Pakistan Relief DVIDS312999Pakistan Relief DVIDS312999
Pakistan Relief DVIDS313003Pakistan Relief DVIDS313003
Pakistan Relief DVIDS313011Pakistan Relief DVIDS313011
Simon Hacker, center, a senior United Nations Logistics Cluster coordinator, discusses numbers and locations with Pakistani Maj. Gen. Raja Muhammad Arif Nazir, commander of the Army Aviation Command, during an 100828-F-KV470-081Simon Hacker, center, a senior United Nations Logistics Cluster coordinator, discusses numbers and locations with Pakistani Maj. Gen. Raja Muhammad Arif Nazir, commander of the Army Aviation Command, during an 100828-F-KV470-081
Tons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-004Tons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-004
Tons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-005Tons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-005
Tons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-009Tons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-009
U.S. Airmen from a Contingency Response Team (CRT) with the 88th Contingency Response Group set up antennas for Internet and telephone capabilities during initial CRT buildup at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala 100828-F-KV470-037U.S. Airmen from a Contingency Response Team (CRT) with the 88th Contingency Response Group set up antennas for Internet and telephone capabilities during initial CRT buildup at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala 100828-F-KV470-037
U.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element and U.S. Soldiers with the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) take the straps off a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala 100901-F-KV470-234U.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element and U.S. Soldiers with the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) take the straps off a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala 100901-F-KV470-234
U.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element and U.S. Soldiers with the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) unload a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter from a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft at Pakistan Air 100901-F-KV470-097U.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element and U.S. Soldiers with the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) unload a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter from a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft at Pakistan Air 100901-F-KV470-097
U.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element unload flood relief supplies from a C-5 Galaxy aircraft at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Sept 100902-F-KV470-148U.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element unload flood relief supplies from a C-5 Galaxy aircraft at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Sept 100902-F-KV470-148
U.S. Air Force Col. Greg Nelson, left, director of mobility forces for humanitarian sssistance to Pakistan, and a representative of the World Food Program discuss the flight schedule for the next week for 100828-F-KV470-072U.S. Air Force Col. Greg Nelson, left, director of mobility forces for humanitarian sssistance to Pakistan, and a representative of the World Food Program discuss the flight schedule for the next week for 100828-F-KV470-072
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imageChaklala Air Force Base DVIDS324277Wikimedia
imageChaklala Air Force Base DVIDS324310Wikimedia
imageFlood Relief Pakistan DVIDS314172Wikimedia
imageFlood Relief Pakistan DVIDS315462Wikimedia
imageHumanitarian Relief, Pakistan DVIDS173744Wikimedia
imageMarines, Pakistanis Cooperate in Flood Relief Efforts DVIDS320801Wikimedia
imageNo. 6 Squadron PAF 1950s group photoWikimedia
imagePakistani Maj. Gen. Raja Muhammad Arif Nazir, center, commander of the Army Aviation Command, heads an Air Coordination Cell (ACC) meeting with U.S., Pakistani and international organizations aimed at flood 100828-F-KV470-078Wikimedia
imagePakistani army Col. Khalil Dar, left, and a representative of the World Food Program discuss rotary wing support in designated locations in support of flood relief efforts during an initial Air Coordination Cell 100828-F-KV470-074Wikimedia
imagePakistan Airdrops DVIDS312182Wikimedia
imagePakistan Airdrops DVIDS312184Wikimedia
imagePakistan Airdrops DVIDS312186Wikimedia
imagePakistan Relief DVIDS312997Wikimedia
imagePakistan Relief DVIDS312999Wikimedia
imagePakistan Relief DVIDS313003Wikimedia
imagePakistan Relief DVIDS313011Wikimedia
imageSimon Hacker, center, a senior United Nations Logistics Cluster coordinator, discusses numbers and locations with Pakistani Maj. Gen. Raja Muhammad Arif Nazir, commander of the Army Aviation Command, during an 100828-F-KV470-081Wikimedia
imageTons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-004Wikimedia
imageTons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-005Wikimedia
imageTons of food and equipment fill a hangar at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Aug. 28, 2010, in support of flood relief efforts 100828-F-KV470-009Wikimedia
imageU.S. Airmen from a Contingency Response Team (CRT) with the 88th Contingency Response Group set up antennas for Internet and telephone capabilities during initial CRT buildup at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala 100828-F-KV470-037Wikimedia
imageU.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element and U.S. Soldiers with the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) take the straps off a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala 100901-F-KV470-234Wikimedia
imageU.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element and U.S. Soldiers with the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) unload a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter from a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft at Pakistan Air 100901-F-KV470-097Wikimedia
imageU.S. Airmen with the 818th Contingency Response Element unload flood relief supplies from a C-5 Galaxy aircraft at Pakistan Air Force Base Chaklala, Pakistan, Sept 100902-F-KV470-148Wikimedia
imageU.S. Air Force Col. Greg Nelson, left, director of mobility forces for humanitarian sssistance to Pakistan, and a representative of the World Food Program discuss the flight schedule for the next week for 100828-F-KV470-072Wikimedia