Citadel of Quang Ngai

From Warlike




Bản vẽ thành Quảng Ngãi.jpg

Location: 15.125326, 108.80836, ///failed.refilled.universally, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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A map of a Vietnamese citadel showcasing how these fortifications looks from above in a major Vietnamese city.A map of a Vietnamese citadel showcasing how these fortifications looks from above in a major Vietnamese city.
A map of a Vietnamese citadel showcasing how these fortifications looks from above in a major Vietnamese city.
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
baseHill 59forward operating base, hillWikidata
baseQuảng Ngãi Airfield1966military baseWikidata
imageA map of a Vietnamese citadel showcasing how these fortifications looks from above in a major Vietnamese city.Wikimedia
imageA map of a Vietnamese citadel showcasing how these fortifications looks from above in a major Vietnamese city.Wikimedia