Fort São Roque

From Warlike


bastion forts in Portugal


Castle of Castelo de Videcultural heritagefortPortugal

Forte de São Roque - Castelo de Vide - Portugal 🇵🇹 (53727064951).jpg

Location: 39.414941, -7.451281, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Forte de São Roque - Castelo de Vide - Portugal 🇵🇹 (53727064951)Forte de São Roque - Castelo de Vide - Portugal 🇵🇹 (53727064951)
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
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imageForte de São Roque - Castelo de Vide - Portugal 🇵🇹 (53727064951)2023Wikimedia