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From Warlike

Warlike allows you to explore details and connections between fortifications, battles, military museums, ships, vehicles, aircraft and weapons. Use it to research sites, connect to fellow enthusiasts or just plan a grand day out. Pages have descriptions, maps, photo albums, timelines, links to heritage resources, powerful filters and targeted searches.

Part of the part of the Expounder family of websites. It does not host much original content, but uses Wikidata as a backbone to display Wikipedia and Wikimedia data and link to other sites in a friendly fashion.

For example, in the UK you have Dover Castle, Chatham Historic Dockyard with the Royal Navy's C-class destroyer HMS Cavalier, armed with QF 4.5 inch Mk I – V guns which took part in Operation Grapple, and Oberon-class submarine HMS Ocelot with Fort Amherst nearby. Subterranea Britannica have detailed articles on the Gravesend Cold War Bunker, Ramsgate Tunnels and Fan Bay Deep Shelter in their magazine Subterranea.

The site is a work in progress, with plenty of rough edges. It only covers British stuff at the moment, but will be expanded to be worldwide. Suggestions for improvement, including new data sources or display methods, are welcome, contact John Bray